The Father of #Pomcoin





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Task List

Buying Advertisements

Computer Advertising Campaign

Growing Community

Overpopulation, human crowd density growth on earth. Demography and migration

Expanding Socialmedia

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Developing Games

Videogame Concept Design

Write Comic Stories

First Impress

First Impress

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Once upon a time, in the opulent city of Soltopia, there existed a Pomeranian whose elegance and flair surpassed even the finest silk bowties. Pomsol was his name—a name that echoed through the marble halls of his luxurious doggy mansion.

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POMSOL was no ordinary dog. His passport was as well-travelled as a seasoned explorer’s treasure map. From the bustling streets of Paris to the serene temples of Beijing, he trotted the globe with an air of sophistication. His tiny paws had graced the sands of exotic beaches, and his fluffy tail had swirled in the mist of countless waterfalls.

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POMSOL didn’t merely visit these places; he immersed himself in their cultures. He sipped chamomile tea in London’s tearooms, twirled spaghetti in Rome’s trattorias, and even attempted a tango in Buenos Aires (though his father and son is Pomcoin)

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His wardrobe rivalled that of a Hollywood A-lister. Cashmere sweaters, diamond-studded collars, and bespoke leather shoes, but even though he has such a wardrobe he never took off his sunglasses and his golden neckless—POM knew that true wealth lay not in bones buried in the backyard but in the finer things in life. His favourite pastime? Lounging on velvet chaise longues, dictating the canine crypto markets while sipping vintage doggy champagne.

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Every year, POM hosted the “Paws and Pearls” gala, where the crème de la crème of Soltopia gathered. The dress code? Black tie, of course. The menu? Truffle-infused kibble and salmon mousse. And the entertainment? A live jazz band led by a sax-playing beagle named Duke and poker games with high stakes.

More Coming soon

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